David Vitter Diaper Fetishist
OK. I never thought I'd ever write something like that. This is so fucking funny. For some reason it always seems to happen to sanctimonious right-wing Christian authoritarians. I mean if this turns out to be even 10% true, we are officially entering J. Edgar Hoover territory.
Your Right Hand Thief has the story. Wonkette and Jay Leno went national with it:
"The darling of the religious right, conservative Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, not only admitted to having sex with prostitutes, he would pay them $300 to make him wear diapers. And today that crazy astronaut called him 'my dream guy, he's got my vote!" --Jay LenoTo be perfectly honest, it seems that there are somewhat contradictory accounts - obviously, it will be hard to establish the entire truth here, given the shady characters involved (the Madam, the Senator and the prostitute). And perhaps goons will be sent to make everyone shut up. This is the Bayou after all.
As for the Republican party, it's really turning into the Kinky Party (hey, now that's my kind of party). If anything, it gives a whole new meaning to the Daddy Party.
Let's see here, we've got the pathological narcissistic cross-dresser, Frederick of Hollywood, and Vitter the Diaper.

I've seen the future of white male patriarchy in the US, and it's wearing pantyhose and diapers.
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