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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Enough with the freaking folklore!

I mean what the hell!!!??? Another horrible orientalist article by the NYTimes. Please. A bunch of monks singing in Latin (which, by the way, indicates that these particular monks belong to the ultra-reactionary side of the Catholic Church).It's set up like a freaking Pagnol piece. "Men of another age." The wonderful traditions. The heritage. The cute locals. Blah blah blah. Who cares? Why waste the ink and/or the bandwidth on such contrived and atmospheric articles? I mean how doest that tell us anything of substance about contemporary France? Nothing. 40% of French don't believe in anything. Another 30% or so declare themselves agnostic. 20% attend religious services regularly (that is, more than 4 times a year or so).

Yet another drive-by article that reveals more about America's obsession with identity and authenticity and old stones.

Addition: there's even worse - two for the price of one.

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