I couldn't say it better than Glenn Greenwald today:
"We continue to prop up the Middle East's most brutal dictators and support those leaders who lose in democratic elections, while righteously pretending that our invasions, occupations and bombing campaigns are about spreading democracy (we're delivering "God's gift to every man, woman and child"). And the raging debates in our country are over the extent to which we should torture people and how many more Muslims we should lock away for life with no charges of any kind.
The next time there is a terrorist attack, we can all sit around bewildered, scratching our heads and solemnly asking: "Why do they hate us?" And the only answer that will be allowed -- a rule to be piously enforced by the Owner of 9/11 himself, Rudy Giuliani -- will be the extremely honest and illuminating: "They hate us for our freedoms."
Check out the Romneys. They are so wholesome. Ann is particularly cool: she marvels at the fact that had it not been for Mitt's presidential campaign she'd never have set foot in 'some of the Southern States...' And all these Republican activists who are 'amazing' because they 'really care.' She truly speaks like the country club society lady she is: her disdain for the political activists is both completely genuine and refreshingly unselfconscious. The whole production is so weirdly off it is hilarious. Like that shot of the Romney men playing hoops. And don't forget: Mitt's all time favorite book is... Battlefield Earth, by Lafayette Ron Hubbard (yes, that L.R.Hubbard).
I'm telling you, this crop of Republican candidates is a comedic masterpiece. After the balding tough guy who loves stiletto heels so much he can't stop himself from wearing them, we've got the Romneys who are, well - how to say that delicately? - whiter than white bread?

Let's hope. Let's hope he gets hell for ditching the Irak Study Group so that he could make a few bucks. That's Rudy for you. Respect for the troops. Leadership. Concern for the national interest. Not surprising for the guy who tried to have New York City's mayoral elections postponed in the wake of 9/11. It's all over the internets already. Let's see how this plays out in the MSM.
And the original story in Newsday is there .