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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Porn and the developing world

Hilarious (via Yahoo News and /.):

ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian schoolchildren who received laptops from a U.S. aid organization have used them to explore pornographic sites on the Internet, the official News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported Thursday.

NAN said its reporter had seen pornographic images stored on several of the children's laptops.

"Efforts to promote learning with laptops in a primary school in Abuja have gone awry as the pupils freely browse adult sites with explicit sexual materials," NAN said.

A representative of the One Laptop Per Child aid group was quoted as saying that the computers, part of a pilot scheme, would now be fitted with filters.

The OLPC is actually a beautiful Linux-based machine, and I'd love to snag one for myself. Now, put a free computer with free internet access into the hands of kids, and yes, they will find porn. What do you expect? that they will surf the web for Shakespeare ebooks and math problems? C'mon...

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