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Friday, July 6, 2007

Fred Thompson, not so pro-life

Check out this article in the LA Times, dealing with Fred Thompson's go-go years as a big time Washington lobbyist :,0,54260.story.

Hilarious. Sheds light on Fred's core principles - or lack thereof. This will not play out very well with the Christianists. I kind of like Thompson on some level - the guy is a complete opportunist, never met a client he wouldn't bill, loves a good, hearty meal (esp. when he doesn't have to pick up the tab), and well, plays older, tough guys in silly movies and TV shows. Not to mention that he initially thought Nixon was innocent. Oh yeah, and he used his PAC money to pay his son fat 'consulting fees.'

And that guy is the Republican Party's last, best hope for 2008?

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